taking into account all factors and ensuring the balance between epidemic prevention and production -尊龙人生就是博




taking into account all factors and ensuring the balance between epidemic prevention and production

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recently, the situation of epidemic prevention and control has been very severe, and the company’s production tasks are also very urgent. the production center carefully analyzed the situation, coordinated and guided epidemic prevention measures, and completed production tasks with quality and quantity assurance.


according to the production plan, two batches of equipment, handheld terminals and vehicle terminals, will be produced and delivered in the near future. with the development of the epidemic, some employees in their residential areas have experienced lockdowns, while others require home monitoring. these situations have had a significant impact on the production plan. the production center, comprehensive planning department, and other departments have made reasonable adjustments to the production plan based on the arrival of personnel, and made thoughtful arrangements to ensure the safety of personnel on duty. they have purchased and prepared epidemic prevention materials such as masks, disinfectants, ingredients, and daily necessities, effectively ensuring the epidemic prevention safety of on duty personnel. after careful planning, reasonable shift rotation, and overtime work, we ensured the completion of production tasks as planned.

in the current situation of the epidemic, there are various difficulties and obstacles in ensuring the progress of major tasks. leaders and all employees at all levels of the company are determined to work together to overcome difficulties and actively seek ways to win the battles of epidemic prevention and control and scientific research and production.

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